The Warren Curriculum

Our Whole School Curriculum Rationale

At Warren Academy, our curriculum provides a culturally-rich, diverse and engaging learning journey, which supports all pupils to develop a life-long passion for learning, allow them to be prepared for the wider world and to empower pupils to be citizens of the future. Our school vision, ‘Limitless Opportunity, Endless Potential’ is underpinned by values created by all stakeholders in our school community. Our four ‘C’s – Creativity, Community, Commitment and Compassion – are lived out in all we do at Warren and are fundamental to the success of our curriculum. We want to show pupils that when they leave primary school, anything is possible.

Our Academy Context

Warren Academy is a one-form entry school with 177 pupils on roll in L.E.A.D Academy Trust. The school is located on the border of Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire Local Authorities. The proportion of pupils with English as an additional language is 31.7% and the largest ethnic group in attendance of Warren is White British (55.1%) There are a growing number of families from diverse backgrounds moving into the area. 27% of the school are Black and White Caribbean Mixed, Black African, or from Any Other White Background. As a result of this, the Warren curriculum has been designed to reflect these ethnic groups: Geography and History are key subject drivers of the Warren curriculum, to ensure pupils are represented in what they are learning.  

49% of pupils are eligible for pupil premium, which almost double the national average. 17% of pupils are on the SEND register. Warren Academy also has a SEND provision – The Burrow – which offers a bespoke and tailored curriculum offer to ensure developmental milestones appropriate to individual pupil need is met.

The school regularly provides support to the wider school community with mental health and wellbeing. There has been an increase in the need for mental health support at Warren since the COVID19 Pandemic.

In designing our curriculum, we have considered the diverse backgrounds, abilities, and experiences of our students and wider community. This includes addressing specific challenges and ensuring that all students, regardless of their starting points, have equal opportunities for success.

Our Curriculum Aims

Inclusivity and diversity  
To ensure that diversity is an integral part of our curriculum and includes developing understanding of ethnicity, gender, faith, disability and values. The local school context is becoming increasingly more diverse from what is historically a predominately white British area. Children and families from different religions and backgrounds becoming a part of the local community. Our curriculum is designed with this at the forefront, ensuring that subject content is at the heart of learning experiences across school. Our curriculum has been designed to represent our continually changing community and includes teaching and learning about key areas of the world such as The Caribbean and Eastern Europe, as well as key figures from History and the Modern World today, including Mary Seacole and Christopher Columbus to David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg. Books are also a fundamental part of the Warren curriculum to ensure that children are able to gain key knowledge for their learning and are exposed to a range of texts that represent the school community.  
Ambition and aspiration  To provide an ambitious and aspirational curriculum which is well planned, and meets the needs of all pupils, regardless of ability or background. Our curriculum aims to excite, inspire and empower children to be citizens of the future through a range of cultural experiences and a range of exciting books that represent the pupils within our school community. Enrichment is a fundamental part of the Warren curriculum, ensuring that pupils experience trips, visitors, activities and clubs across the breadth of the curriculum offer. Careers education is a golden thread that runs through the curriculum and links to provide inspiration to jobs and careers are made throughout.  
Our Community: The Wider World  Our curriculum aims for each child to understand their role in the community and the impact they can have on a global scale. The design of our curriculum ensures that children develop an understanding of the world, on a local level within Top Valley and Nottingham, on a national level within the UK and on a global scale. We believe that learning extends beyond the confines of the classroom and is enriched by our local community. By integrating community projects, collaborative initiatives, and partnerships with local organizations, we not only provide students with real-world contexts for their learning but also instill an understanding of social responsibility. Our commitment to community within the curriculum is not only about knowledge transfer but also about nurturing socially responsible citizens who understand the value of contributing positively to the world around them. Our curriculum aims to create a learning environment where students develop a deep appreciation for the richness of community life and recognize their roles as active contributors to wider society.
Every voice counts  We aim for every child’s voice to find their voice and be heard through the Warren curriculum. Communication is a key life skill which all pupils need regardless of ability or background, and being able to read, write and articulate themselves is an important part of our daily teaching. Pupils enter our nursery typically working below the expected standard and find it difficult to interact socially with their peers. Therefore, Oracy approaches are used
to support children in developing acquisition of subject specific language and vocabulary, exploring ways to talk effectively, and supports children to think more deeply in their learning. By placing a deliberate emphasis on oracy skills, we aim to equip our students with the ability to articulate their thoughts, engage in meaningful dialogue, and collaborate effectively. Strong oracy skills not only enhance academic achievement but also contribute to personal development, social cohesion, and future professional success. ‘Voice’ is also significant when it comes to considering mental health and wellbeing.  By integrating talk as a fundamental component of our curriculum, we acknowledge its power to build strong interpersonal connections, enhance emotional intelligence, and contribute to a positive sense of self. This intentional focus on communication not only supports academic growth but also lays the foundation for the overall mental health and well-being of our students, ensuring that they develop the skills and resilience needed to navigate the complexities of their emotions and relationships both within and beyond the school environment.  
Leaders of Learning  
At Warren, we firmly believe that children are not just recipients of knowledge but active leaders of their own learning journey. Our curriculum is designed to empower students to take ownership of their education, fostering a sense of curiosity, exploration, and self-discovery. By encouraging students to ask questions, seek answers, and express their unique perspectives, we cultivate a dynamic learning environment where children are enthusiastic leaders in the educational process. We promote an inclusive atmosphere where every child’s voice is valued, ensuring that their diverse strengths and interests contribute to the collective learning experience. Through this approach, we aim to instill a lifelong love of learning, nurturing individuals who are not only academically proficient but also equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate the complexities of the world with confidence and resilience.

Key Elements of Our Curriculum:

  • Cross-curricular and thematic links
  • Engaging and challenging topics
  • Progressive development of subject knowledge
  • Mental health and wellbeing awareness
  • Reading for Pleasure
  • Access to technology to underpin learning experiences
  • Enrichment
  • Oracy opportunities
  • British Values

Our Curriculum Drivers

We have adopted Tony Wagner’s seven survival skills as fundamental drivers of our curriculum, shaping the educational experiences we provide to our students. These skills, including critical thinking, collaboration, adaptability, initiative, effective oral and written communication, accessing and analyzing information, and curiosity, guide our approach to teaching and learning. By intentionally embedding these skills into our curriculum, we aim to prepare our students not just for academic success but also for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in an ever-evolving world.

Our curriculum structure

An overarching theme for each half term/term is the basis of each year groups’ curriculum. This is linked to a central text to hook children into learning. Factual knowledge and understanding of the topic is taught across different subject areas, and further skills and concepts are built upon year on year, to continually make links in learning. Within each subject area, children know that they are learning knowledge and skills for that specific subject, whilst continuing to make links to other areas of learning.

The Warren curriculum is responsive to need and ensures that all children, regardless of ability, need or background can reach their full potential.

Year Group Overviews