We want our children to leave Warren Primary Academy being resourceful, confident, ambitious, respectful and creative life-long learners (our school values).
At Warren Primary Academy our Art curriculum aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination of art that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. It is vital that our children have the opportunity to learn and enjoy Art, know about great artists and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Therefore, we have an exceptional duty of care to ensure that children become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. We aim to provide out children with meaningful art experiences where they will have the opportunity to learn and enjoy art.
Our art curriculum will also build on a progression of knowledge, skills and understanding and enable children to gain a wide range of vocabulary from EYFS to the end of Key Stage 2.
It is also through dialogic rich teaching approaches as a vehicle for learning in art that we encourage pupils to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others. This commitment to both presentational and exploratory talk is a powerful tool for learning in art and will empower out children to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them.
Through our teaching we consistently aim to raise awareness of the arts; as a subject and as a potential career field for the future. Children will leave Warren Primary Academy knowing different career prospects for artists.
The Arts is an area that we are proud of and its impact can stretch wider when its value is fully recognised. Our children will leave Warren Primary Academy being able to take their experiences of the world and transform them through art. They will be able to make new connections and relationships through their inventive minds and their knowledge, memories and fantasies will continue to feed their imagination.
In the words of Pablo Picasso, “every child is an artist,” and we at Warren Primary Academy hope to give our children the insight, skills and creativity to stay an ‘artist’ as they grow up.
We want our children to leave Warren Primary Academy being resourceful, confident, ambitious, respectful and creative life-long learners (our school values).
At Warren Primary Academy our Art curriculum aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination of art that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. It is vital that our children have the opportunity to learn and enjoy Art, know about great artists and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Therefore, we have an exceptional duty of care to ensure that children become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. We aim to provide out children with meaningful art experiences where they will have the opportunity to learn and enjoy art.
Our art curriculum will also build on a progression of knowledge, skills and understanding and enable children to gain a wide range of vocabulary from EYFS to the end of Key Stage 2.
It is also through dialogic rich teaching approaches as a vehicle for learning in art that we encourage pupils to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others. This commitment to both presentational and exploratory talk is a powerful tool for learning in art and will empower out children to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them.
Through our teaching we consistently aim to raise awareness of the arts; as a subject and as a potential career field for the future. Children will leave Warren Primary Academy knowing different career prospects for artists.
Art is an ongoing process through which all our children will be given opportunities to develop specific skills, knowledge and understanding to enable them to work in a variety of media, style and form. It will enable children, of all abilities, to use their creative imagination to achieve their potential with guidance and given criteria. Children work individually and within a group to develop the social and personal skills. Art is not taught in isolation, although it retains its creative base and its skills and techniques. Wherever appropriate it is linked to other areas of the curriculum and gives children the opportunities to develop specific art skills and reinforces skills already established.
Art is an activity that needs the teacher to be directly involved with the children in the lesson to set the task, to impart knowledge, to lead activities, to monitor and develop the children’s progress, to encourage development and to ensure that each child reaches and appropriate standard.
A good art lesson will:
Below is an example of what a possible sequence of learning, for art, at Warren Academy might look like.
Art | ||||
Sequence of Learning | ||||
Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 |
1. Introduce artist or artists by showing an example of their artwork and discussing as a whole class.
2. Sketch book work: 3. Research artist and share/ write up findings. (depending on the artist you may wish to give the children print offs of web pages that you deem to be safe/appropriate information |
1. Introduce skill (link to artist if possible). What does the skill achieve? purpose?Adult to Teach skill – and new vocabulary. 2. Sketch book work: Practise using skill, if paint based, put into sketch book once dry. |
1. Recap skill/ vocabulary- what was its purpose?
2. Sketch book work: |
1. Recap skill/ vocabulary.
2. Children to return to last week’s work. What did they like what can they improve on, what would they change? Sketch book work: For example. |
1. Recap skill/ vocabulary
2. Children to return and familiarise themselves with their design. 3. Create own final piece. Please give children time to complete their work this may take a couple of sessions. Could you display their finished work gallery style? |
Depending on the skill or the artist being taught, the above sequencing or steps may vary.
At Warren Primary Academy, art may be taught through a thematic approach based on themes relevant to the needs of our children, it may also be taught discretely to encourage the development of key skills. We use the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum as the basis for our planning. In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in art, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Where possible, we make links between subjects, which build on prior knowledge and skills.
In the Early Years, Art is taught as an integral part of the thematic work covered throughout the year. We follow the objectives for developing a child’s understanding of ‘media and materials’ and ‘being imaginative’ set out in the Early Years Framework. Our teaching guides children to use simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately, select appropriate resources and adapt work where necessary. Children have opportunities to use tools and techniques to shape, assemble and join materials and to construct with a purpose in mind, whilst experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
Teaching in Art should address the fact that all children will develop their ability to make images and to learn and apply skills at different rates. Differentiation is therefore a key issue and will be open ended and planned differentiation will be by the outcome and tasks set according to ability. Individual children will be supported and intervention from the teacher and additional adults will increase pupils’ thinking and extend the range of options that may be considered and raise individual standards. Approaches need to be used to ensure that all children including the least and most able, can be working to their full potential in all art lessons.
Some ways in which children may be supported are:
Roles and Responsibilities in measuring the impact of art
Subject Leader
Our Art curriculum is high quality, well thought out and carefully planned to demonstrate progress. The art subject leader will measure and monitors the way their subject is taught throughout the school by:
The art subject leader also has the responsibility for monitoring the way in which resources are stored and managed. They provide ongoing CPD to ensure the highest quality of teaching and learning. They will ensure staff have access to current research and knowledge of art; including exhibitions at nearby galleries.
Staff will ensure that the school curriculum is implemented in accordance with this policy. Staff will ensure that they are using the correct vocabulary for their year group. They will be confident with their subject knowledge and are aware of the expectations for key endpoints of the previous/ next year groups and also the end of key stage.
The Arts is an area that we are proud of and its impact can stretch wider when its value is fully recognised. Our children will leave Warren Primary Academy being able to take their experiences of the world and transform them through art. They will be able to make new connections and relationships through their inventive minds and their knowledge, memories and fantasies will continue to feed their imagination.
In the words of Pablo Picasso, “every child is an artist,” and we at Warren Primary Academy hope to give our children the insight, skills and creativity to stay an ‘artist’ as they grow up.