At Warren Primary Academy, we believe that every child should be provided with opportunities to foster curiosity about the world close around them, and the wider world. Children will be given knowledge and skills to explore and compare different cultures, and be able to celebrate, respect, and champion their diversity through the curriculum they are taught. Our pupils progressively develop knowledge of where places are and what they are like, and have an understanding of the ways in which places are interconnected, with the knowledge that they have the potential to travel to these places in the future. Through memorable teaching and learning experiences, and wider opportunities, children at Warren develop an excitement about Geography, and can confidently use technical vocabulary when discussing their learning. Our children are provided with the potential to make a difference through their learning, and an exposure to a wider range of global issues.
The national curriculum for history aims to ensure that all pupils:
Geography lessons will be sequenced by class teachers in their planning to continue building on key knowledge, both within the current unit being taught, and on previous geography knowledge. Children have the opportunity to use different resources to lead their own learning, and will be taught how to use each one. These include, but are not limited to: digital maps through iPads, computers etc., atlases and OS maps. Fieldwork opportunities will be frequent, whether this is around school, or exploring the local area. All children will be provided with the opportunity to have their learning enriched through out of school visits. Children in KS1 and KS2 develop the knowledge of the four national curriculum areas; locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography and geographical skills and fieldwork. In EYFS, teachers will ensure they meet requirements of Development Matters. The classroom environment will excite children about their learning in geography, and celebrate what they are learning and have achieved. Geography is inclusive to every child, and is adapted to meet every child’s need. Resources will be differentiated and varied, in order to meet the needs of every child, allowing them to achieve their potential.
A geography lesson at Warren includes:
Throughout their time at Warren, children will complete learning through 6 key concepts: Place and space, scale, change and sustainability, environment, cultural understanding and diversity, and interconnection.
At Warren Primary Academy, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn from a curriculum about a broad range of historical concepts and events. History should encourage children to develop a love of learning about the past, and explore key events in all parts of world history. Children will be a taught a bespoke history curriculum that champions everyone’s history, giving them the opportunity to respect and understand everyone’s culture and differences. Teachers show children how to use historical evidence to search for answers, showing them the potential roles they may have as historians in the future, and providing them with the enquiry skills to be able to do so. Pupils at Warren develop a passion for history through creative, engaging and exciting lessons, which we aim to last forever.
The national curriculum for history aims to ensure that all pupils:
Units of History work will be carefully planned and sequenced by teachers, in order to secure the children’s chronological understanding of the period of time being studied. Children will also begin to know where the period of time being studied fits in, when looking at all periods of history, from the dinosaurs to modern day. The History curriculum is delivered through a wide range of approaches and experiences. The children’s learning in enriched through out of school visits, and visitors in school, for most areas of the History curriculum. Prior knowledge is retrieved regularly through ‘Power ups’ at the beginning of each lesson, where they practice previous learning. Teachers impart knowledge where necessary, but allow children time to practice a wide range of enquiry skills using a range of research methods. Children will become historians in their lessons, and take ownership of their own learning, further developing a love for learning about the past.
Here you can find more about the disciplinary knowledge taught across the curriculum in History: