PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

At Warren Primary Academy, we believe that children are at the heart of everything we do. We firmly believe that all children have a right to equal access to a broad, balanced education. Our vision at Warren is for all children to be provided with limitless opportunities to reach endless potential.

At Warren Primary Academy, we recognise the vital contribution that Personal, Social and Health education has on a young person’s life. We want to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves safe, prepare them social and emotionally for life in Modern Britain, and support them to be ready to leave primary school with the skills they will need to succeed in today’s society. Through our PSHE curriculum design children at Warren Academy are supported in being able to reach and maximise their full potential.

Our PSHE curriculum works in line with our school’s safeguarding policy, as we have a duty of care to keep our children safe, both in school, in our diverse, multi-cultural community and on a global scale.


Curriculum Overview

Here at Warren Academy, our pupils are given opportunity to develop key interpersonal skills embedded into everything we do so that they are able to flourish whilst at school and beyond:

  • problem solving and self-belief
  • confidence
  • leadership
  • team work and collaboration

Our curriculum approach and use of Jigsaw PSHE supports children in becoming emotionally literate and confident in sharing their thoughts and feelings; allows them to develop both resilience and tolerance; build positive, respectful relationships with others, and nurtures understanding for both positive and physical mental health. We also promote the use of mindfulness to support children with their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is a fundamental part of this, and an area that became a statutory part of the Primary curriculum. At primary school, this includes:

Curriculum map:

Our Jigsaw ‘puzzle’ curriculum across the academic year is:

Autumn 1: Being Me in My World

Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference

Spring 1: Dreams and Goals

Spring 2: Healthy Me

Summer 1: Relationships

Summer 2: Changing me (including relationships and human reproduction).

Below you can find out more information and detail about what is covered within each year group throughout the school in each half term:



Personal development:

Personal Development is woven in to all aspects of school life at Warren and we pride ourselves on providing an environment for all pupils to thrive and mature into well-informed young adults. Our PSHE curriculum underpins our Personal Development curriculum and includes the teaching of Relationships and Health Education. For more information on Personal Development at Warren Academy, click here.

Implementation of PSHE at Warren Academy

At Warren Primary Academy, we understand the vital role that we play in supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing – teaching them the skills they need to recognise and deal with their emotions, and helping those with difficulties get the support they need.

We deliver our PSHE Curriculum at Warren Academy by:

  • Creating a whole class charter for PSHE lessons at the start of the year which underpins the mutual respect and behaviour required for teaching and learning during PSHE lessons.
  • Encouraging children to work individually, in pairs, small groups and as whole class when required.
  • Teaching PSHE weekly linked to the Jigsaw curriculum content in Year 1- 6. Learning is evidenced through Floor Books designed to encapsulate the children’s’ learning journey each half term. The learning can be celebrated in a variety of ways (pictures, posters, illustrations, QR codes for video recordings of collaborative team work).
  • Celebrating themed weeks or days throughout the academic year giving pupils opportunities to foster skills in team work, leadership, communication and collaboration. For example, whole School Careers Week.
  • A weekly whole school celebration assembly.
  • Encouraging the children’s development of personal and social skills, being fully inclusive and giving equal access for pupils to access learning.
  • Developing understanding of PSHE through other areas of the curriculum (for example, e-safety).

Our PSHE curriculum is closely linked to our safeguarding curriculum, which you can find more information about here: