Nursery Provision

Funded Places in our Nursery

We offer funded nursery places for children aged 3 and 4 years. Our team of specialist teaching staff provide a stimulating and inclusive environment to ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.

As well as the educational benefits children experience by attending nursery, it also helps them build relationships and confidence, making the transition to the next stage of school an easier one.

Visit us to find out more

We welcome visits from parents and carers to meet our friendly team, see our facilities and activities in action. Call 0115 915 3760 or email [email protected] to book your visit.

Funding options

All parents of children aged three to four can access 15 hours of free childcare per week.

Check your eligibility for free childcare.

Nursery Provision at Warren Primary Academy

At Warren Primary Academy, we aim to create an enriching, engaging environment that immerses children into their learning every day. Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum is designed to encourage independent, inquisitive and happy learners, to provide strong foundations for personal development, and to ensure our children have the opportunity to grow into confident lifelong learners. This begins with pupils who start at Warren Academy in Nursery.

Meet the team


Foundation 1 class teacher

Mrs Bibi

Foundation 1 class teacher


Teaching Assistant

Mrs Iris

Teaching Assistant


Early Years Foundation Stage lead

Miss Pithers

Early Years Foundation Stage lead

In our Foundation 1 unit, the indoor and outdoor classroom is full of exciting learning experiences every day. We have a language rich environment where the children can maximise opportunities for meaningful learning experiences. The nursery team at Warren ensure all children have the opportunity to learn through play and enjoy their time at school through a carefully designed curriculum and carefully considered areas that support the progress of the children.


Our aim is to develop the ‘whole child’, preparing them for their future school life and any other challenges they may face. As well as equipping children with the knowledge and skills they need to grow, we ensure their wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. We value imagination and creativity, and seek to create a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning through continuous indoor and outdoor provision, alongside trips and visits.

The children will learn through adult directed activities, group work, 1 to 1 work and child initiated play opportunities. Activities promote development and support children’s learning in line with ‘Development Matters.’


Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is designed to support all children to progress from their individual starting points by building their confidence and self-belief, and allowing them to take risks and overcome challenges they may face.

Our learning and development is built around three prime areas:

· Communication and language

· Physical development

· Personal, social and emotional development

We support children in four specific areas:

· Literacy

· Mathematics

· Understanding the world

· Expressive arts and design


Below is an overview of our yearly topics:

Each half term is carefully planned by our EYFS team to provide children with lots of opportunities to develop in the prime and specific areas. Click here to read our F1 half termly newsletters and see what we get up to!

A day in our Nursery

Our daily timetable allows the children within Foundation 1 to build a routine, independence, and plenty of opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge through play. Children will have time to explore the classroom provision, listen to stories, sing songs and have daily Phonics and Maths teaching through the week. This timetable allows children to build social and emotional skills and of course make lots of friends!

Here are the timings of the day:

8:40- School starts/Children have time to access areas in the classroom.

9:00- Registration

9:15-9:30- Maths

9:30-10- Children accessing the areas in the classroom.

10:00-10:15- Milk and fruit/story time

10:15-11:00- Outdoor time

11:00-11:15- Phonics

11:30-12:30- Lunch time

12:40-12:45- Register

12:45-1:00- Afternoon learning such as RE or understanding the world or Fine motor skills practice.

1:00-2:00- Children accessing the areas in the classroom.

2:00-2:10- Tidy up time

2:10-2:25- Story/singing time

2:25-3:00- Outdoor times

3:00-3:10- Number songs/Nursery rhymes

Learning habits

We embed desirable learning habits through the use of the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning, (Play and Exploration, Active Learning and Creative and Critical Thinking), in our everyday teaching and learning. Here are some of the habits our areas are focused around.

Parent communication

You will be kept regularly up to date with news and progress your child is making via ClassDojo. The class teacher and other members of the team will share what your child has been enjoying doing through the day and keep you up to date with events happening in school.